black miniature schnauzers- mustat kääpiösnautserit- svarta dvärgschnauzrar in Vaasa, Finland

Our first miniature schnauzer Nelly, a black & silver-version, came into our lives in 2003. She and the breed charmed us all with their intelligence and attitude so now in 2023, 20 years later, we have eight miniature schnauzers living in our homes. Until recently, we have always had a Finnish Hound also, but we lost Kajsa in the beginning of 2022.
All our dogs are health checked and sparely used for breeding; approximately every second year we will have puppies at home. We also use DNA tests on dogs that are used for breeding. Our founding bitch is lovely Multi Ch MultiW Heathkeeper´s Killin´Me Softly; a super mover from our "neighbour" Johanna Similä.
I am also grateful for our Sven, Victorious Star Play and Win, that we got from Inna Belskaya in Ukraine. He´s such a charmer!
I have enrolled the basic course for breeders 2014, the advanced course for breeders in 2021 and am a certified ring steward since 2019.
