Elsa Best Bitch in Rovaniemi IDS
Timekiller Astra Amore "Elsa" was out for the first time in dog show rings. Under breed specialist Niksa Lemo, CRO, she was INT EXC1, CQ, Best Bitch 1 with CAC and CACIB. Sven was also out in the rings with a OPEN EXC1, CQ, BM3 and resCAC & resCACIB result. Best of Breed was today his brother living in Murmansk.
Niksa Lemos thoughts about Elsa:
"Very nice type. Excellent size and format. Feminine head, enouhg lenght. Nice topline. Good in front, wellangulated behind. Excellent coat, coulour and texture. Free in movement. Excellent temperament."