Elsa BOB & new Norwegian champion
Sven, Victorious Star Play and Win & Elsa, Timekiller Astra Amore came with me on a weekendtrip with King Tours to Harstad in Norway...
Sven BOB in Oulu IDS
Lovely results in Oulu IDS 14.08.2016 under the Irish judge Billy Henderson. Blacks, 10 entries Timekiller Avec For You "Malthe" OPN EXC1...

Zoe BIS-puppy in SWE
Yeij, Zoe, Timekiller Banker´s Choice, debuted in Åsarna, SWE at the specialty with a Best In Show. What a start at her showcereer for my...
Shownews from Sweden, Rovaniemi, Oulu & Kokkola IDS
We have been out & about during June & July. Elsa & Sven travelled to Sweden & Norrköping in June. We had ladies in heat with us and Sven...

Sven new Norwegian & Nordic Champion!!
We took a long weekendtrip to Norway and Ã…lesund in the beginning of May. In Norway they had a hotel strike going on so that added a...

Vaasa IDS - Sven BOB & Elsa BOS
Nice day in Vaasa. =) Sven, Victorious Star Play and Win, was out for the first time this year in the showrings and started with Best...

First homebred champion!
Elsa, Timekiller Astra Amore, finished her Finnish championship in Seinäjoki under breed specialist Hilkka Salohalla with a Best of Breed.
Thank you and goodbye Nelly
Our oldie Nelly passed away today after having heart problems for some time. Nelly was our first mini schnauzer and she became almost 13...

2015- a nice showyear
Victorious Star Play and Win " Sven" Finnish Champion Swedish Champion Latvian Champion Estonian Champion 3 CACIB and upcoming...

Three new titles in Tarttu IDS, Estonia 07-08.11.15
Lovely results from Tarttu in Estonia. Elsa, Ebba & Sven travelled with me to Tarttu with hopes of finishing Sven´s International...