Elsa BOS in Tampere
Timekiller Astra Amore visited Tampere Group Show with the result INT EXC1, CQ Best Bitch and CAC. This was Elsa´s third show and so far...

Sven BOB & Elsa BOS in Iisalmi IDS
FI & SE & LV CH EE JCH EEJW-14 Victorious Star Play and Win CH EXC1, CQ; BM1, CACIB and Best of Breed under judge Stefan Sinko, SLO....

Vera Best of Breed in Ylivieska IDS
CIB FI CH EE CH NO CH Heathkeeper´s Killin´Me Softly was out in the showrings again. She was Best of Breed in Ylivieska. BOS Ch...

Sven new FI CH SE CH and LV CH
EE JCH EEJW-14 Victorious Star Play and Win finished his title in Kemi International Dog Show 18.07.15. He is now a Finnish, Swedish and...

Elsa Best Bitch in Rovaniemi IDS
Timekiller Astra Amore "Elsa" was out for the first time in dog show rings. Under breed specialist Niksa Lemo, CRO, she was INT EXC1, CQ,...

Ebba Best In Show veteran
Whooop, whoop! Ebba, Heathkeeper´s Expect No Less, was out for the second time in the veteran rings. During the Finnish Main Speciality...
We have moved!
New adress, but still living in Gerby, Vaasa. This spring has all been about planning and fixing our new home. <3
Finnish Winner weekend 6-7.12.14
The showyear of 2014 is now over. The last shows for this year were The Helsinki Winner & Finnish Winner Show. Sven won his class both...

Shows in Norway & Latvia
Two weekends in November were spent abroad at dog shows. First out was Norway & Oslo and the Norwegian & Nordic Winner competitions. Sven...
Seinäjoki NDS- Sven BOB
Sven, Victorious Star Play and Win, went INT EXC1, CQ, BM1, CAC & Best of Breed in Seinäjoki National Dog Show. Judge was Gertrud...